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How to Promote Your Music on Spotify Using Facebook Ads

Did you know that Facebook has a staggering 2.93 billion active users, compared to Spotify’s impressive 433 million? Because of this, Facebook is a fantastic platform for promoting your music and increasing the visibility of your Spotify tracks.

The seamless integration between Spotify and Facebook makes them the ideal duo for music promotion. You can share your tracks on Facebook Stories, advertise on Facebook to drive traffic to your Spotify profile, and even embed Spotify buttons on your Facebook artist page.

A good marketing strategy is always advised to get your music heard. This article details how to combine your Spotify and Facebook profiles to produce an unbeatable music marketing campaign. You will learn the fundamentals of how to promote your music on Spotify using Facebook Ads and the Facebook Promotional Tool and how well your music on Spotify can be integrated into such a music marketing strategy. In addition, I’ll address some of the most common questions I get from people starting with Facebook Ads.


Why Should You Promote Spotify Music with Facebook Ads?

Facebook advertisements are yet another essential tool for musicians. Facebook ads are a fantastic way for musicians to grow their fan base and attract new listeners. You can design advertisements that direct users to any Facebook tab or an external website like Spotify. You can decide whether to advertise to your current followers or a larger demographic.

You can share your music on Facebook, see what your friends and followers are listening to, and even collaborate on playlists when you link your Spotify account to your Facebook profile or page.

Here are some significant advantages of using Facebook ads for your promotions:

  1. Spending is something you can control. Even with a daily budget of just $1, you can still achieve respectable results. However, the results improve as your budget increases, which is to be expected.
  2. Facebook’s learning algorithm can automatically optimize so that you receive the most results for the least amount of money.
  3. In addition to basic demographics, there are detailed targeting options for a very broad range of interests, including brands, genres, artists, products, and more.
  4. People who interact with you can be added to “Custom Audiences” so that you can show them your ads later on for less money than it costs to initially reach them.
  5. You can use the Facebook algorithm to create “Lookalike Audiences,” which are Custom Audiences that contain 1 million or more people who are similar to your fans.

Considering everything, you have the ability to direct listeners who are highly relevant to you to your Spotify profile. You can also use Facebook’s tools and algorithms to your advantage to find more fans at a lower cost, and increasing your chances of tricking the Spotify algorithm will help you get even more fans.

I hope these wonderful reasons have helped you see how vital and valuable Facebook ads can be for the future of your music career!


Before Setting Up a Facebook Ad Campaign for Your Music

You will need the following before you can start running Facebook ads to increase your Spotify streams:

Then you will be ready to create a Facebook campaign, ad set and ads.


promote your music on spotify using facebook ads

Photo by Markus Spiske.


FAQ: Why Do I Need a Landing Page?

Why not direct listeners to Spotify is one of the most frequent queries I receive. For a few important reasons, we direct listeners to a Smart Link first:

1. Sending potential fans straight to Spotify increases the likelihood that the Facebook algorithm will favor bots and click farms over real fans.

2. When a potential fan visits your website, you can track them using other tracking pixels (such as those from Google ads, YouTube ads, Spotify ads, and Snapchat, for example) so that you can later extend your advertising efforts beyond Facebook.

3. Directing potential fans to your website first makes them take more action, but because they have made more commitments to you, the quality of that fan also increases.


FAQ: What Is the Difference Between a Campaign and an Ad?

If you haven’t had a chance to work with Facebook tools for promotion before, you may ask what the difference is between an ad and a campaign; let me explain it to you in short.

The framework that keeps everything in place is a campaign. Here, you set the start and end dates as well as the budget. You should not be concerned about targeting, placement, or bidding when creating a campaign. All of that comes later. A campaign must have at least one ad and ad set.

On the other hand, magic happens while creating an ad.

An ad and ad set is where you decide:

  • Whether to use sponsored stories, promoted posts, promoting websites, etc. as forms of advertising
  • Where you place your advertisements.
  • What demographics do you target with your advertising (fans or based on gender, location, age, etc.)
  • A bid or amount of money you are willing to pay for each click, impression, or action.

In other words, your campaign’s structure determines when these Facebook ads and ad sets will run. As a result, all advertisements in a campaign that will run, e.g., from November 5 to November 10, have those dates as their start and end points.


Breakdown of Facebook Promotion Tool Terminology

  • Campaign
    • Ad set No. 1 (where you choose your target audience)
      • Ad No. 1 (a unique image or video)
      • Ad No. 2
    • Ad set No. 2 (where you choose (e.g.) an alternative target audience)
      • Ad No. 1
      • Ad No. 2

As you can see, “Campaigns” include “Ad sets,” which in turn include “Ads,” and the quantity of sets and ads is something you will decide after developing a solid marketing plan and clearly defining your objectives and target audience. In the next section, I will explain to you how to create and set up:

  1. Facebook Campaign
  2. Ad set
  3. Ads


1. Start Creating a Campaign

The first step in creating an advertisement is choosing a campaign type, and the choices are displayed in a list on the Business Manager website. Navigate to the Facebook Ads manager section on after logging in.

In the Facebook Ads manager section, choose “Create” (it’s a green button) in the top left corner of your screen to create a new campaign. You’ll see a box with campaign details in it.

You’ll then need to decide on a buying type: Auction, Reach, or Frequency. The most common and accessible method is Auction. It entails bidding against rival advertisers for impressions and paying as your Facebook ads are delivered. Reach and Frequency have limited availability, minimum audience sizes, and budgets. Still, they are better for reach campaigns that aim to raise brand awareness because they are more predictable and under your control.

Then, it’s critical to understand your goals. The objectives I’ve listed in the next section are related to various campaign types, and I’ve also included a few key points you might want to keep in mind. Once you are done with the first one, it will be easier to create a new campaign.


What are Your Objectives?

Once you’ve decided what you want to accomplish, choosing from Facebook’s wide range of options will be easier. Your objectives could be to:

  • Encourage people to like your posts (an engagement campaign under Consideration is great for this).
  • Promote your product and persuade them to purchase it (conversion campaign).
  • Boost your brand’s exposure (reach under Awareness campaign objective type)

Different types of campaigns can be used to approach each of the three aforementioned objective types:

  • Awareness
  • Conversion (recommended)
  • Consideration


2. Make a Facebook Ad Set

You will be automatically redirected to a Facebook ad set window once you have finished setting up your campaign. If you haven’t already, you can configure a Pixel right here. You can choose the Facebook ads manager feature called Dynamic creative, as well as schedule your budget and audiences.

It’s important to get your audience targeting right at the ad set level. The Audience tab is where you will specify that you want to target any existing custom or lookalike audiences for your Facebook ads.

By personalizing the Audience tab of your ad set, you can decide which geographic regions your advertisement should appear in. For example, it makes sense to only target nations that have access to Spotify since you will be promoting your music on Spotify, right?

By carefully choosing the regions, your ad set is configured to display your ads to Facebook users in each of the areas you carefully selected. Avoid at all costs any countries with bots or click farms. Yes, they will boost your numbers in the Facebook ads manager, but this will not translate into actual streams in the Spotify For Artists dashboard.

Despite the fact that you can experiment with other nations, you must pay close attention to this to ensure that you are actually receiving streams from those countries; otherwise, Facebook will optimize for those regions and only use your money there, leaving you with no streams and no money.


promote your music on spotify using facebook ads

Photo by Pixabay.


How to Use Facebook Ads to Target Spotify Users 

A musician with a Facebook artist page can pay to create an advertisement that they can tailor to their target market or fan base by choosing the area, demographic, and type of profile they want to reach.

As I mentioned, if you have music uploaded to Spotify, you should optimize your ads to be seen by current Spotify users. But don’t forget to take into account the demographics of your current fan base. Make sure your Facebook ads are seen by both your target audience and any potential new Spotify subscribers in order to completely cover all your bases.

If you’re promoting music on Facebook and want to target Spotify users, be sure to:

  1. Select the target country for your Facebook ads based on the nations where Spotify is offered and is most well-liked.
  2. Keep in mind that Spotify users tend to be between the ages of 18 and 34 when selecting your ad’s demographic.
  3. Plan your Facebook advertisement to appear when a new song is released on your Spotify page.
  4. Build relationships with your fans on each platform by responding to or liking anyone’s Facebook comments or shares of your Spotify music.

Spotify and Facebook work great together, and Facebook will even let you add Spotify to the “detailed targeting” section of your ad creation. Since many Spotify users register for the service using their Facebook accounts, Facebook can tell which of its users have an account with Spotify and display your advertisement to them.

You want your Facebook advertisement to be seen by as many people as you can if you’re using it to advertise your Spotify tracks. However, since they are the ones who will follow your Spotify profile, you might want to focus your marketing efforts on existing Spotify users.


Lookalike and Custom Audiences

Using or experimenting with various Custom and Lookalike Audiences is one of the best ways to increase the results you get from Facebook ads.

Retargeting is a marketing strategy where you show ads to people who have already interacted with you on Facebook at a lower cost than it would have cost you to reach them in the first place. Before building a lookalike audience, you must first have at least 1,000 users interact with your ads. For this reason, you should be ready to spend more money on ads when you first start running Facebook ads.

According to all of this, you have the ability to direct highly targeted listeners to your Spotify profile and then use the Facebook algorithm to gradually find more people for less money, increasing your chances of tripping the Spotify algorithm and finding even more of those people for free. Your Facebook ad results will drastically improve if you use or vary these audiences.


How to Set Up a Lookalike Audience

Selecting the icon from Business Manager’s left sidebar and then going to the Audience tab are the first two steps in creating a lookalike audience.

You will then choose “Create Audience” from the menu. Before making a lookalike audience, you must first create a custom audience.

Choose to create a custom audience next. Select the Website option on the following screen. In this scenario, your landing page (or actual website) will be the website.

On the screen that appears after selecting a website, you will select a Pixel as your audience source. Facebook can track users who visit your landing page thanks to the Pixel. Whoever clicked that is recorded by the Pixel, and you can later use them as a component of our custom audience.


Set the Budget

It’s important to be aware that your initial ad spending will probably be much higher than it will be once you’ve run a few campaigns, gotten a handle on the system, and optimized your ads.

Initially, I’d budget $10 to $20 per day. You’ll be able to build lookalike audiences faster by quickly increasing conversions. Once you have identified a few ads with a low cost per conversion, keep them running with a modest budget of $1 to $5 per day while you carry out further split testing to identify additional audiences.


3. Final Step: Create an Ad

There are many minor factors to consider when setting up an advertisement. Now, it’s time to include the creative media (video or image), along with the primary text, headline, and description fields, if applicable. In the end, the strategy you choose is up to you, but I would advise you to try out various input combinations.

Once you’ve chosen which “Call to action” button to use, insert the link to the music you want to advertise (your landing page link).

The final option is to enable additional tracking on your website. These are additional methods for monitoring visitors to your website or those who have clicked on your ads.


The Number of Ads Within a Campaign

A campaign must contain at least one advertisement. However, having multiple ads in a campaign is frequently beneficial. Remember that all of your ads within a single campaign should be closely related. If you’re going to make various ad types or ads with various goals, you should include those ads in various campaigns.


Activate Your Facebook Ads

Your ad is ready to post now that it has been completed. Press “Publish,” and then make sure to monitor its progress. Before turning the ads off or making any significant changes, it’s a good idea to let them run for at least three days.

Every now and then, when you publish an ad, Facebook asks you to fill in some blanks. Watch for banners at the top of your screen at the step and red text at the ad set and ad levels as you proceed.


It’s Vital to Test Many Ads

It’s a helpful feature that should make testing out a variety of ads a little bit simpler (which is crucial for effectively running Facebook ads). You will be required to create headlines, descriptions, and primary texts as well as upload multiple ad images and videos with this functionality. Then, Facebook tests various combinations of those inputs for you. Play around to find what works best for you because while this can save you a ton of time, it might not give you the level of control you require.

Running numerous ads is intended to enable you to identify the best choices (those that cost the least) and deactivate the underperformers by slightly modifying each one.


Keep Experimenting

After launching your first Facebook Ads campaign, running additional campaigns and experimenting with different ideas is the best way to improve your results.

As you run more campaigns, you’ll become more adept at managing them, your Facebook Pixel will gather more data, and you’ll have a better chance of figuring out which targeting techniques work best for your particular genre of music.

Naturally, you might have some fresh concepts you’d like to test after going over the outcomes of your most recent release. Make a list of them and choose two or three to carry out.

Here, it’s crucial to avoid going too far, as doing so will make it more challenging to identify the specific factors that led to your success.

Likewise, it might be challenging to identify the cause of a problem so that you can stop it if you make too many changes and your next campaign performs worse.

Consider the following as possible experiments:

  • Change the targeting option
  • Creatives for video ads
  • Geographies
  • Where to place the spotlight in the song
  • How is your budget allocated
  • When your music is released

Knowing that targeting option changes will typically produce the most significant differences in results is essential.


Keep Up With Facebook Ads Updates

Every few months or so, Facebook likes to make changes to its Ads platform. These adjustments may be made for all advertisers, just those in a certain area, or as a result of a chance A/B split-test they are running.

Most of the time, this is done to make things simpler for advertisers, but occasionally it’s done to keep up with developments occurring outside of Facebook.

Usually, this will involve a minor adjustment to the way the backend looks or the positioning of a few buttons or sections. Still, occasionally, whole features may be added or removed, so it’s best to always keep up with all the updates and make the best of every new feature you are offered.


Improve Your Facebook and Spotify Promotion 

To maximize cross-promotion when promoting your Spotify on Facebook, heed the following advice:

  1. Keep in mind that your audience uses Facebook to browse the site, so strike a balance between the content on your Facebook page and the content on Spotify.
  2. Use Facebook to announce your new Spotify release or to tease an upcoming collaboration. Make posts about your Spotify activity that are exciting and noteworthy so that people will leave Facebook and visit your profile.
  3. When adding links to your Spotify profile, use SmartURL or instead of other services because they produce shortened links to external websites that look better and can be tracked to see how often they are clicked.
  4. Use Facebook-embedded videos. Since video is currently one of the most popular content types on Facebook, links to your Spotify music videos will be well received by your audience.


promote your music on spotify using facebook ads

Photo by John Tekeridis.


FAQ: How Do I Embed Spotify With Facebook? 

It may sound complex and technical to embed your Spotify videos or links on Facebook, but it is not.

“Embedding” means including a link to your Spotify profile in a Facebook post or status update. It’s a fantastic way to promote your music because your Facebook page can increase fan engagement and broaden your audience.

You can embed Spotify on Facebook by adding a Spotify Play button to your Facebook page, sharing Spotify videos in your Facebook stories, or adding a link to your Spotify profile in the page bio.


FAQ: How Do I Include a Spotify Play Button on My Facebook Page?

Your Spotify albums, tracks, and podcasts can be streamed anywhere online using the Spotify Play Button, which functions as a mini-player. It’s yet another fantastic Facebook-compatible Spotify marketing tool.

The steps are as follows to add a Spotify Play Button to your Facebook page:

  1. When you open the Spotify app, click the right mouse button on the Spotify content you want to share. Choose “Copy Link” or “Copy Spotify URL” from the drop-down menu, depending on what you want to do.
  2. Launch the Spotify play button generator after that. Copy the link and paste it into the field as directed on the website.
  3. By copying and pasting the generated code, you can add a Spotify Play button to your website, blog, or social media accounts.
  4. Listeners will be able to listen to your Spotify playlists directly in their news feed once you share the code on your Facebook page. If your Facebook followers don’t have a Spotify account, they can listen to a 30-second audio preview of your track before being prompted to log in or create an account.


FAQ: What Should I Do If, Despite Not Receiving Streams, I am Receiving Facebook Conversions?

A 40%–60% decline in Facebook conversions to Spotify streams is entirely typical.

For instance, some Facebook users might click your advertisement before clicking the “Listen on Spotify” button but leave the page because it loads too slowly or gets sidetracked and click another link on their phone or on Spotify.

Here’s how to resolve this problem if less than 40% of your Facebook conversions convert into Spotify streams:

1. Launch your Facebook Ads Manager, choose “By Delivery,” then click “Country” to view the results in the “Amount spent” column.

2. If you discover that one or more nations are utterly dominating the “Amount spent,” duplicate your ad set and exclude those nations from your targeting locations.

3. If this fix does not result in better results after running your campaign for an additional two to three days, repeat the process, but this time look for unusual numbers in the “Amount spent” column for breakdowns for “Placement” rather than “Country.”

If zero percent of your Facebook conversions result in Spotify streams:

Complete the aforementioned steps, but remember that there might also be a more systemic issue. Test your conversion events, double-check your links, and the choices you made for your Facebook campaign, and make sure your Facebook pixel is correctly set up, your domain is verified, and your standard conversion events are configured.


FAQ: Is Facebook Advertising Only Marketing Tool You Need?

Suppose you haven’t used this kind of advertising. In that case, I am sure your first thought is that social media nowadays serves as a great promotional tool, so why look for something else? However, I’ve found that posting on social media is insufficient because it’s challenging to scale up and because most users won’t actually leave the social media platform to look at your content. So, don’t solely rely on social media.

You can, for instance, run ads on Spotify in addition to Facebook ads if you want to step up your music promotion. You can make an audio or video ad that is specific to your target market and price range using Spotify Ad Studio.

The same principle always holds true, regardless of the platform you use to promote your music: promotion calls for perseverance, professionalism, and an effective marketing plan. Building a brand, using social media to establish a presence online, creating buzz, and—most importantly—having an engaged fan base of actual, sincere music fans who care about you and what you do are all necessary for success on Spotify.

Don’t forget to use Spotify’s own marketing resources, such as Spotify Ads and Spotify for Artists, to promote your music on the platform. The more people your promotion reaches, the more music you’ll sell.

So don’t be afraid to take it a step further and link your profile to your Facebook and all of your other social media pages. Using Facebook ads can assist you in achieving all of that, but they are not the only component of the puzzle—despite being an essential one.


Essential tip: Using Spotify for Artists Is a Must

Read this article to discover how to build a stunning Spotify artist profile, as well as how to gain more followers, promote your music, and launch a successful music career. However, bear in mind that if you do not already have a personal Spotify profile, the time has come to do so. You can do this by visiting the Spotify for Artists website. To start managing your artist page, just adhere to a few straightforward steps.


Final Thoughts

It takes work to promote your music, and if you are having trouble finishing songs each month, it will be much more difficult for you to concentrate on properly releasing new music. If you truly want to see great results, avoid the time, energy, and financial burnout at all costs because you need to continue doing this for years and years to come. Luckily, many tools can help you with your goals; one of them is the promotional tool that Facebook offers. Also, work with music pitching platforms like SoundCampaign, enabling musicians like you to connect with playlist curators and other people in the business.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this instruction manual. I hope it makes managing ads on Facebook Business Manager less mysterious. Since there isn’t really a right or wrong way to do this, keep running your ads if they consistently produce positive results, but always remember to test everything and be consistent in presenting your music online.

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